We proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God through prayer, education, service, social activities, and worship.* Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we respond to Christ's call to "come follow Me" and carry on His teaching mission. We follow Jesus' example of teaching what to believe and then model for our children how to put those beliefs into everyday practice.
The SPECIAL NEEDS / LEARNING DIFFERENCES Faith Formation Journey offers children from 5 through Confirmation Level the ability to learn about the love and care of Jesus in their own way and at their own pace. Special emphasis is provided on the sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation.
The special needs/learning differences faith formation program at Notre Dame of Mount Carmel Church continues His work through an individualized, educational curriculum. We are dedicated to teach our children how much Jesus loves and cares for each of them. “For the kingdom of heaven belongs to them” (Matt. 19:14)
Registration: Program eligibility extends to all children who are classified as appropriate for special education and related services under any eligibility category. There is open enrollment throughout the school year in the program, with a cut off of October for the First Eucharist class. Children and families need not be registered parishioners of Notre Dame to participate in the program.
For more information, or to enroll your child, contact our Faith Formation Office at [email protected]. A brief get-to-know-you interview will be scheduled with parents and the child to determine placement as well as individual learning styles.