Are you looking to go deeper with God and in relationship with others? Would you like to make God a priority in your life? Would you like to live more like Jesus every day?
This isn't a coffee club, or another Bible study. It's a place filled with love and trust, not comparison or judgment. Yes, it is one more thing to do every week, but just imagine how it could change the other hundreds of things you have to do every week.
Though he had twelve apostles, Jesus chose Peter, James and John to form a closer inner circle, the first-ever quad! Is something calling you to form a quad? Great! Keep reading!
While there is a place for listening to sermons, sitting in a class, participating in a fellowship group, or attending a study group in the workplace, discipleship occurs through relationships.
In October of 2021, four parishioners (L to R: Dan Balogh, Pat Madden, Ed Katona, Matt Cooney) embarked on the parish's maiden quad voyage, meeting every week for a year. They ended in October of 2022. It was a transformational experience for them.
Dan's second quad began meeting on December 9, 2022!
Is your interest piqued? Do you want to take your discipleship to the next level? Have questions or need more information? Email Dan Balogh ([email protected]) and one of the original four quad members will be glad to answer your questions and provide more information.