Installed: January, 2024
Parishioner since: May, 2004
I am most grateful for the beautiful community here at Notre Dame that I have been so blessed to be a part for most of my life.
I truly believe I have a positive, welcoming spirit and do my best to encourage others to join me in my efforts. I feel that my lifelong involvement as a parishioner would be an asset since I have been immersed in our local community for so long. I also can provide insight to the needs of our parishioners similar to me with young children and busy lives.
Our parish is full of life and full of many wonderful ministries, but there is always room for improvement. It is important to meet the needs of all parishioners and actively seek their suggestions in order to evaluate and improve. Finally, parish leadership should be addressing how to make our church more welcoming and accepting to all people who want a relationship with Christ.