I would bring a youthful mindset to the Parish Pastoral Council. Church leadership ought to consider the young adult perspective in its decision-making. I would relish the chance to help shape the parish’s future. I would also hope to inspire peers to assume leadership positions. I have been a Notre Dame parishioner for three decades, and I know fellow parishioners well. I am accepting and welcoming; people feel comfortable interacting with me. Addressing parishioners’ needs would fill me with joy. I have a servant’s heart, and I always desire to give. As an adult, I have realized that desire has come from the Holy Spirit. I have learned to follow the Spirit’s promptings. At this stage in my faith journey, I am prepared to take on increased responsibilities. I have proven myself as a leader, through Women’s Cornerstone, Live Streaming, and ministries of which I have solely been a member. I seek roles that challenge me. I approach each leadership appointment with respect and reverence, cognizant that I serve the Lord. I am honored to have been nominated for Parish Pastoral Council membership.