March 16, 2020
Dear Parish Family,
This afternoon we received official notice from Bishop Serratelli
(click HERE to view the Diocesan Announcement) that
all public Masses in our Diocese of Paterson are suspended until further notice. The Bishop noted that corona virus cases are increasing exponentially, especially here in the northern part of our state, and that large gatherings could pose "a grave health risk." This is in keeping with a state mandate issued today which limits gatherings to not more than 50 people.
Also suspended are “Welcome Home to Healing” Monday night confessions and Stations of the Cross. The sacraments of Confirmation, First Penance and First Holy Communion, because they typically draw large numbers, are deferred until further notice.
We will be reaching back to you toward the end of this week with ways we can “stay connected” as a faith community as we weather this storm. We understand and empathize with all of you in how disconcerting and upsetting this situation is, and we want to make sure our people remain feeling connected to our parish family in whatever ways we can facilitate that.
Quoting the words of the great evangelist, St. Paul –
“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer” (Romans 12:12) – Bishop Serratelli urges all families to pray together, especially the Rosary and grace before meals.
We join with you, although not in the flesh, certainly in heart and spirit. If anyone is in need of Anointing of the Sick or the sacrament of Confession, please reach out to Father Jhon or me:
Fr. Paddy: 201-924-2507;
Fr. Jhon: 410-624-8930. And, as promised, our dedicated staff is available whenever you need them, either via e-mail or their parish phone extensions.
May God bless us all and may his Spirit guide us in wisdom and grace --
Father Paddy