The past 40 days of Lent led to the sacred Triduum, beginning on Holy Thursday, and culminated tonight at the Easter Vigil. We waited in darkness, watched as the Easter fire was blessed and the Paschal candle lit, and then entered into the most glorious, complex liturgy of the year.
We heard salvation history retold in the scripture readings, welcomed Ric Maginnis, our RCIA candidate, into the faith community by witnessing his Confirmation, and then renewed our own baptismal vows as, in unison, we responded “I do” to every promise.
Our Easter Vigil was not just a commemoration of past events, but an affirmation of the work our Lord is doing in each of our lives today. Our past and future are connected, through God’s saving power, and the liturgy invites us to respond, wherever we are on our path of faith.
We are grateful for this opportunity to renew our faith by celebrating together on this night our Savior’s greatest gift – the promise of eternal life!