As we take time to reflect on the fruitfulness of our mission this past year, there is an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the abundance of God’s love, grace and mercy. The power of the Holy Spirit continues to fuel our mission by igniting missionary disciples who commit to Christian living in their giving generously of their time, talent and treasure, reaching out to those in physical and spiritual need, transforming hearts and helping individuals and families grow and deepen their relationship with Jesus.
For those who might not have heard, on December 5
th a fire broke out in our Church boiler room. The flames could have devastated not only our building but also impacted our mission in Jesus Christ. It was only by the grace of God and the First Responders led by the Cedar Knolls Fire Dept., that the fire was quickly suppressed, and the water damage contained to limited areas.
In His abundant love, God transformed a destructive flame into the life-giving flame of the Holy Spirit. Neighboring churches - Hildale Park Presbyterian, Abundant Life, The Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest, and other organizations, including P.G. Chambers, Employment Horizons, and the Marriott, offered us places to worship and for meetings. Our faith community was filled with a deep sense of gratitude, compassion and love.
As we move forward on our journey of renewal, we are grateful for the generous giving of many in our community. The ongoing and growing engagement in Offertory Giving will allow us to continue on our path of missionary discipleship, nurturing those in the pews and reaching out to those needing to experience the Good News.
No time of the year instills a spirit of giving like Christmas. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, God’s greatest gift, we hope you will consider making a special offering to support the current financial needs of our parish, the many ministries who serve, and the renewed mission. You can find special offertory envelopes in each of the pews or you can contribute online at
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas,