Yesterday afternoon at a diocesan service at St. Philip the Apostle in Clifton, Bishop Serratelli presented the 8th annual Vivere Christus Est Award to lay people from every parish in the diocese who were chosen as individuals who live as faithful stewards of God’s grace and generosity. Several Notre Dame parishioners and Fr. Paddy were present at the ceremony to witness parishioner Marc Luciani receive the award.
It is readily acknowledged by all who know him that Marc, in his humble and generous attitude of service, exemplifies what Bishop Serratelli had in mind when he instituted this prestigious award. From the time that he and his family became Notre Dame parishioners in 1997, Marc has selflessly shared his talents and faith in a wide range of ministries: Extraordinary Ministers; Follow Me faith leader; Adoration; scheduling of all liturgical ministers; and last, but not least, his tireless and valuable contributions as our parish sacristan.
Congratulations, Marc -- your faith, love and dedication to serving are an inspiration and a blessing to us all!