The Rosary: Meditating on the Fruits of the Mysteries
"At our first session, the chapel was dimly lit but the Holy Spirit was on fire! Our circle of meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary was powerful yet subtle. Hums of prayer were paired with guided meditations and visuals on the fruits of the Sorrowful Mysteries and how they applied to our lives, either directly or indirectly. The evening gave us a chance to meditate together in a Holy place and in the presence of God and then to share those challenges and triumphs with each other.
"Together, we helped conquer the difficulties of staying focused on prayer. Together our voices were heard by God while simultaneously warding off the devil. It was truly a blessing to have been graced with a great group who value the powers and promises of the Holy Rosary. May we pray it every day, and may we imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise!"
— Caterina Viscomi
What's So Amazing About Grace?
"Over the summer, a friend from another parish told me about a group study she was doing through her church on a book called "What's so Amazing about Grace?" by Phillip Yancey. She would tell me about the group and rave about the week's discussion. After a while, I felt I needed to read the book and see what the fuss was all about. It captivated me from the first page, and I tore through it! It was one of those books that keep one thinking about it even after it has been long over. I told a number of my friends about it, and a few of them said, "you should do a discipleship group on it." Sharing it with others and unpacking its content intrigued me, but I was hesitant as I had never led a group before! I told Cristina about the book, hoping she would say that it was a great idea and she knew the perfect person to lead the group -- anybody but me, I hoped!!!! But, I should have known that I was volunteering myself by mentioning it. Cristina had more faith in me than I did.
"I begged my husband, friends, and mom to join it - just so that I wouldn't be the only one there! To my surprise, we have a great group of 15 people on the journey! Leading this group has been AMAZING!!!! This week was our second Zoom session, and the conversation flowed so easily! My fears were so unwarranted! The book leads the discussion - and it is just incredible how quickly everyone is opening up. We have bonded so fast and have so much to discuss!
"I certainly would never have done this if it weren't for the encouragement of some very important people in my life. I would be very willing to lead another group! What a difference this experience makes in my spiritual journey and my ability to bring conversations about God to others."
— Barbara Katona
"Last Thursday, our Discipleship Group held its third session, where we travel with Jesus as He takes the final journey to His Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Our eight disciples have so far walked with Jesus and have engaged in a personal conversation as He makes His way to the Cross. So far, we have touched on Obedience, Encumbered, Weakness, Suffering, Service, Compassion, Perseverance, and Comfort. We have used these topics to discuss our faith journeys, the challenges we face throughout our spiritual lives, and the Lenten season's opportunity to ask God to change our hearts and develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him.
"The participants have really connected in our time together and have been actively and enthusiastically engaged in the discussions. It has been a joy getting to know each of them more personally and realizing that we share many of the same experiences and values. As we continue our journey together, we look forward to understanding more fully God's love for us through Jesus's death and how we can respond to His ongoing mission to be faithful, loving, and devout followers."
— Dennis Bloshuk, Everyone's Way of the Cross
Pivotal Players
"It has been a real joy for me to return as a facilitator of a Discipleship Group this Lent! This is our third cohort for Word on Fire's Pivotal Players with Bishop Robert Barron. I was initially extremely hesitant to step forward to offer to lead a group over two years ago and had to be coaxed into it by my husband, Dan. I felt unsure about my ability to do this successfully, but I am so glad that I finally stepped outside my comfort zone. It has been a real blessing in getting to know people better and hearing their impressions about each Catholic figure in the series. Most of all, the real fruits from this group have come from an examination of how we each can become Pivotal Players—this comes from a "dying to self" and becoming the best versions of ourselves."
— Laura Balogh
He Leadeth Me
"I wanted to experience the book amongst others - to learn, grow and connect through Fr. Ciszek's raw witness and humbly offered truths. Yet because the book is a powerhouse of "simple truths" in the context of grave suffering, I was uncertain if others would join me, let alone continue if they began. As usual, God has certainly taken care of it. With a nice number of disciples, we have shared open and honest accompaniment of each other right from the start. Though a few participants have dropped out, their choice is respected, and they and their Lenten journeys remain in our prayers. Our group grows in community each week. Meanwhile, each week, I thank the group and their commitment to it and the material. Despite the deepness of the "simple truths" and Fr. Ciszek's testimony, they continue the road to Calvary with him, each other, and ultimately Christ. With our individual and collective journeys, we are teaching and learning from one another the "simple truths" and how to take up our cross(es) and follow Christ (Mt. 16:24). Fr. Ciszek provides a blueprint on how we can carry our crosses. With him as our guide in the Lenten community, we allow God to tenderize our parched, hardened, and thirsty hearts, renewing them for Him."
— Peg Buck
Visio Divina
"In Sping of 2020, our virtual DG for Visio Divina was coming to a close, and no one wanted it to end; this was our space to have church when we could not attend church. So for the next series, I decided to try leading. I learned about Zoom hosting, relearned presentation software, dusted off design skills, and fumbled through facilitating our first meetings. As I grew in confidence, I felt God building strength in me. A year and a half later, this Lenten season, God brought me a co-leader in Michelle Craig, who brought new ideas and energy to share when mine were flagging. All along, God was building our church.
I have grown to love this church—a component of the body of Christ that connects eyes and heart, and mind. We begin with a simple prayer: "Lord, open the eyes of our hearts. Let us see what you want us to see." As we discuss our images and pray together, we are reminded again and again of God's promise: "I am with you always," and of God's command: "Love one another as I have loved you."
I encourage everyone to give Visio Divina a try. First, take a scripture passage that moves you. Pray for God's guidance — for God to open the eyes of your heart. Then, conduct an online search for that specific passage and see what images appear. Choose one and spend some time observing that image. What did you notice first about it? What new details came into focus next? What thoughts arise? Feelings? Ask God if He is trying to tell you something through this image. Then reread the passage while looking at the image. Maybe share your experience with someone you love — perhaps what you share is a gift from God for them, or what they share is grace for you. Peace, joy, and love be with you!"
— Judy Yap
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
“I chose The Five People You Meet in Heaven because the story is spiritual in a way that enables us as Christians to discuss values such as sacrifice, love, the forgiveness of others, and forgiving ourselves. We then not only share ideas about the book but also our own experiences as Christians in trying to uphold these values. Everyone in the group is an important contributor to the discussion and helps to make each evening special. I will occasionally throw out some ideas for consideration and we learn so much from each other about the challenges, successes, and uplifting of our spirits when living out these ideals.
I first saw the film based on the book many years ago and was moved by the main character in the story, who wasn’t satisfied with who he was and what he had accomplished; he suffered from “father wounds.” I think I, like many men of my generation, learned to never be satisfied with what we had in order to continually achieve. Fathers meant well but thought one could achieve to be happy instead of happily achieving.”
— Robert Waters
God in the Workplace
"When nudged to consider hosting a group, I was intrigued but admittedly uncertain. After praying and thinking about it for a while, the words “spirituality at work” popped into my mind one day. I was thrilled when I asked Nancy to lead with me, and she agreed! What a journey it has been. It is so refreshing to have a group of people with whom to dive into topics such as decision making, purpose, work-life integration, and stress and look at them through a Christian lens. Our group has prayed together, laughed, shared personal stories, and pondered serious topics. We are learning from each other and growing together."
-- Jen Qvotrup
"I was hesitant to take on a leadership role, but having known Jen for many years, I knew that the experience would be worthwhile. Our group has benefitted from various perspectives and sharing on how to keep God and prayer at the center of our lives, including while at work. Our sessions have allowed for a safe place to share the struggles of the day, be they work or otherwise. As a co-leader, I have been challenged to move outside my comfort zone and contribute in ways that I would not ordinarily do. Lent has been the perfect time for this growth. I am so grateful for the opportunity to cultivate my faith and to learn from our faith-filled participants."
-- Nancy O'Donnell
Contemplative Photography
"The first session of the Contemplative Photography Discipleship Group kicked off last Tuesday evening with ten participants armed with a smartphone, DSLR, mirrorless, and even vintage film cameras. While we came with different equipment and skill levels, one thing brought us together -- the desire to see God's beauty through a different lens. After an opening prayer of thanks for bringing us together, the group explored the concept of seeing and photographing the world in a new way by integrating spiritual meditation into each image.
"We then spent about 20 minutes on individual silent journeys throughout the church facility. Upon return, the Holy Spirit filled the room with excited descriptions of how it felt to contemplate and capture the beauty and joy of God's world around us -- even if it was a few steps beyond where we were sitting. During our second week, we will share the images we took and continue the journey."
- Denise Panyik-Dale
The Belonging Project: The Belonging Project – Finding your Tribe and Learning to Thrive
"When I found this book several months ago, I knew I had to do a Discipleship Group with it. I also knew this would be a perfect study to lead in my home. Boy, was I right! Welcoming these 11 women into my home these past two weeks has been so rewarding. This study is designed to help us build relationships, find our Tribe, and love our God while reading some of the "one another" sayings in the New Testament: Love one another, serve one another, Build-up and strengthen one another, Forgive one another. Did you know there are 52 instances of "one another" in the New Testament? One for each day of the year.
"Our first week was a session for fellowship and getting to know "one another." We shared about our families, our faith journeys, and our friends. We left that evening with full bellies and our "homework" for the next week. When the ladies came back for the second week, they were genuinely happy to see each other and chat before it was time to dive into the video and our homework. We laughed watching the video, which is full of "mom humor." The discussions were incredibly fruitful; I can feel the bond we all have already. I am looking forward to the next three weeks and beyond to see where this Tribe of women goes from here."
— Melissa Fasano
The Chosen 2
"In all honesty, I always question, "Should I be the one doing this?? I'm no expert! What do I know?" At which point I check my motivations, my "heart intentions," and those pesky questions go away! My desire is simply to share and help others draw ever closer to our Lord. I'm so grateful that, as a co-lead, I get to do that! This season of Lent is a perfect time for connection to one another and the personhood of our Savior Jesus Christ. The enthusiasm in the group in discussing Jesus, Mother Mary, AND His apostles as REAL people is truly a blessing for all of us. As Phillip, the apostle, said, "Come and See!" - this group does just that each week, and it's beautiful!"
— Patty Migliore-Torres
"We have a great group! The series and our wonderful discussions take us on a very realistic journey of Jesus's ministry and the finding of His "Chosen" apostles. I hope that participants find inspiration on the journey and that their love for Jesus grows deeper. Although Patty and I have been part of the DivorceCare leadership for several years, this particular Discipleship Group journey has brought a sense of newness to my role as a leader. Co-leading the Chosen with my friend has certainly been a continued blessing."
— Ann McLoughlin, The Chosen 2
"Have you ever felt the promptings from the Holy Spirit so strongly that you had to say "yes"? That's what happened to me in January when I felt the Lord prompting me to attend the "Jesus Had a Small Group" workshop at Notre Dame.
"I was born a "cradle Catholic," as the term goes. I have felt a very close relationship with our wonderful Lord. My life's work consists of serving his people ~ currently as a school nurse and as a therapist/counselor in the evenings. In this service, the common denominator is often the same - how to manage stress. I have been yearning for Him to use me as His "instrument." I felt the Lord's call to work with His people on a deeper level. Although my plate was already full, I kept feeling the Lord prompting me and envisioning how wonderful it would be to lead a group of Christians and guide them on how to manage their stress in a faith-filled way. We often teach what we most need to learn ourselves. When I shared this idea with Cristina after attending the workshop, she became incredibly supportive. How could I say "no" now? And so, we worked together to provide the virtual Stress Management offering.
"It has been such a blessing for me to share this Lenten Journey with so many beautiful souls. Each week, we draw closer to our wonderful Lord as we support each other. Lent is a time for us to gently shift our focus from our worldly concerns and onto our wonderful Lord Jesus. What a perfect time to learn how to manage our stress. Each week, we have been learning new coping strategies that remind us our Lord created each of us to be a "human being" and not a "human doing." We are reminded that He truly is the Great Physician. He asks us to give Him our burdens and place them at the foot of His cross. In exchange, we receive His grace, mercy, and peace. Praise God! I am so very grateful to have the opportunity to facilitate this Lenten Discipleship Group. Thank you, Lord."
— Patty Alloca, Stress Management for Christians
Bible Stories and Great Works of Art
"This faith journey through great art based on stories in the Bible has been a wonderful experience, strengthening me as a leader both spiritually and intellectually. Maybe that's why I have repeated this program for seven or eight years. In the words of Bishop Robert Barron, "Art can be a route of access to God." My interest in leading a discipleship program goes back to when my wife Chris and I co-led the eight-week Bible timeline a few times. Following our vacation trip to Italy in 2013 with visits to the Vatican and other churches and museums throughout Italy, I became inspired to learn more about sacred art history. Once I located excellent sources of information, including high-quality video clips featuring knowledgeable art historians, I was moved by the Holy Spirit to want to share. At the time, Deacon Ron and Jean Pankow encouraged me to develop a discipleship program. In the early years, Chris and I co-led. I introduce new works of art with each session, but some, like the Sistine Chapel ceiling, the statue of David, The Last Supper by Leonardo, and Michelangelo's Pieta, are included each time. One can never tire of experiencing these and other great works that help to strengthen our faith and teach us God's word."
— Carl Schlotfeldt
Who Am I to Judge?
“My discipleship group theme is Who Am I to Judge?: Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love. In the first half of the course, we learned about the classical or the Catholic, view of morality. We are now in the second half focusing on addressing moral relativism.
Raising Kids Who Care
"When my children were in elementary school the guidance counselor offered a parenting program. I enjoyed attending the program since it allowed me to learn and put into action new parenting skills as well as discuss the ups and downs of rearing children with other parents. While I am clearly not an expert on raising children, I am pleased to have given parents the opportunity to meet, share and learn from each other. Like the program I attended years ago, discussing parenting joys and frustrations with others helps us to see that we are not alone in our struggles or our celebrations.
Since my children are all grown, participating in Raising Kids Who Care also gave me the opportunity to look back on the way I parented - the mistakes I made, the do-over opportunities I wish I had as well as my shining moments and success stories."
— Diane Byrne
Angels on Assignment
"I often wonder if I am alone in my curiosity about Angels. Having recently read several books on the subject, I decided to explore another book, Angels on Assignment, with like-minded disciples during the weeks leading up to Easter. As we were becoming more comfortable in our discussion, I believe several of us provided thought-providing discussion and biblical readings to validate the teachings of the Catholic Church. Each week was met with lively conversation, and I feel the group knew this was a safe space for questions and discussion. It was a blessing to share this journey."
— Carol Critchley
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible
"This past weekend we shared in the sorrow of Jesus’ passion and then experienced the ultimate joy of his resurrection on Easter Sunday. What is this story of our salvation all about? Throughout our journey and the reading of the 14 narrative books, we are learning about the twelve periods of Bible history, the key people and events of each period, and the importance of each period. Though this is a quick journey, a helicopter view, so to speak, this has led the group to express an interest in deepening their journey by participating in the extended version of the Bible Timeline Study. We have been privileged and blessed to journey with this faith-filled group during this Lenten season and share each other’s stories while deepening our faith and relationship with our friend and brother, Jesus Christ."
-Debbie White and Maria Cascio