Our Rocky Railway Vacation Bible School concluded this past Friday, and what an amazing virtual ride it was for our young passengers! In spite of the very rocky virtual landscape (caused by a certain pandemic), our AMAZING directors and crew members remained positive and hopeful! And how did it go? Click
HERE to hear about it!
So... yes! They moved forward with faith, passion and dedication, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, offered the most exciting adventure for our young passengers!! And for those who held onto their tickets to the very end, a sweet treat awaited them at their final destination!
HERE for more pictures!
Let's all join in thanks to our awesome VBS Directors and Crew!!!
VBS Director: Diane Byrne
Directors/Coordinators of Video Content: Flo Chirichiello; Kathy Krimmel
M/C: Sean Harris
VBS Actors/Actresses: Flo, Michael & Giovanni Chirichiello; Kathy & Bobby Krimmel; Cynthia, Jacob, Wyatt & Owen Lieto.
VBS Decorator: Cynthia Lieto
"At Home Bag " Coordinator: Patty Strunck
"At Home Bag" helpers: Reece Montano; Brooke Bucci; Nathan & Sara Rydstrom; Naina Slaughter; Olivia Organowski; Faith & Mary Yap
Crew Leaders: Lauren Stelwagon; Katie Shannon; Emma & Hannah Gebbia; Brielle Fraga; Collin Mullooly; Kevin, Brendan & Sean Harris; Abbie & Chris Passarella
Ice Cream Donators: Stacy Gebbia; Fr. Alex
Video organizer: Maria Cascio
"We all seemed to use our talents and combine our efforts for an amazing virtual bible school. It was well received by all. My favorite is when Louie asked his mom, "How did Giovanni get home so fast?" because he would see the video (Giovanni was also acting) then be in the break out room with Giovanni (as a participant!). My kids were excited everyday about the songs, imagination station that included stem activities and the videos. I even catch them singing the songs around the house. Thanks for helping our kids to have a fun break from the virtual learning in a less demanding and fun environment for bible school."Flo Chirichiello