On Tuesday, October 5, Notre Dame of Mt Carmel received the 2021 Award for its "
enduring commitment to ending hunger." This award is presented annually by the Interfaith Food Pantry Network (IFPN), to the organization that best exemplified the willingness to improve the condition of the lives of our Morris County food-insufficient people.
The ceremony was recorded and will be aired on the IFPN website on October 21, 2021, at 7 pm. Beth Vecchio, team leader for our Food Rescue Ministry accepted the award on behalf of the parish, all of whom have actively participated in providing needed food and resources throughout the pandemic and throughout our church's history, including the formation of the Interfaith Food Pantry in the late '90s.
Click HERE to read Beth's acceptance speech.
Recently, in addition to delivering food to the pantry, our Food Rescue Ministry has cooked Thanksgiving meals, held turkey and ham drives, cooked at the IFPN for seniors who are enrolled in the delivery program, and partnered with the IFPN to supply other area agencies with needed food to serve the homeless.