Everyone entering the church for any reason must be masked and remain so until they return to their cars.
Routine use of hand disinfectant will continue as people enter the church.
Everyone inside the church must remain physically distanced, as per markings in the aisles and pews inside the church.
Mass protocols will continue regarding no singing or handshake of peace.
AGE Considerations: As always, ALL are welcome at Notre Dame! Please use your personal judgment as to the state of your health and underlying medical conditions in your decision to attend Mass in person.
Weekend Mass – UPDATES!
Seating capacity will increase to 100 attendees.
Beginning on Saturday, September 19, we will livestream our 5:00 PM Vigil Mass. We will continue to livestream the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass.
Pre-registrationfor weekend Masses will continue. As attendance grows, with some Masses now approaching maximum capacity, this will ensure that those who wish to attend Mass at the church can be present and that we can maintain safety.
Daily Mass – NEW! Beginning on
Tuesday, September 8, 2020,
daily Mass will be open to in-person attendance, with no pre-registration required and with a 100 maximum seating capacity. Live-streaming of the Mass will continue.
Private Prayer – NEW! Beginning on
Tuesday, September 8, 2020, the opportunity for private prayer in the church will be available with no pre-registration required. Hours for private prayer will be 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM. Please use the Ridgedale Avenue (front) entrance to the church.
Eucharistic Adoration – NEW! Beginning on
Friday, September 11, 2020, Eucharistic Adoration will be available in the church (not the chapel) every Friday from 12:30 PM (immediately following Mass) until 3:00 PM. No pre-registration required.
NOTE: To make this prayer opportunity possible, at least one, ideally two, adorers are needed in the church while
the Sacrament is exposed. Ministry leader Liz Laverty is presently attempting to recruit enough folks willing to spend a
half hour with the Lord in order to fill our 12:30-3:00 PM time frame. To participate, please contact Liz at
[email protected].
Communion Services – UPDATE! For as long as weather permits, we will continue our outdoor Communion services at
9:00 AM on Saturdays (previously 10:00 AM), 9:00 AM on Mondays and 5:00 PM on Wednesdays.
Live-streamed Rosary – UPDATE! Live-streaming of the Rosary on Tuesday and Thursday evenings will be discontinued, effective the week of September 7, 2020. In place of that, the Rosary will be prayed
following live-streamed Mass on Monday through Thursday (at approximately 12:30 PM)
in the church, beginning
September 8, 2020. Please join us in person or via livestream for this beautiful, traditional prayer of the Church.
Reconciliation The sacrament of confession will continue to be available on Saturdays from 12:45-1:30 PM, with no pre-registration needed.
Additional Faith Enrichment Opportunities
Virtual Alpha will continue! Series 2 begins October 1, 2020; registration is open. Visit our website for details and to register.
Virtual Discipleship Groups will continue, with a menu of new faith journeys scheduled to begin in early to mid-October. Stay tuned for the announcement of these opportunities!
Some parish ministries, where possible and appropriate, are offering enrichment and/or support opportunities.